How to get 6-Pack Abs

Wednesday, 21 July 2021, 08:45 • 1126 เข้าชมแล้ว

JULY 19, 2021

How to get 6-Pack Abs

by MusashiHQ

Many people spend hours at the gym, literally busting their gut, in the hope of achieving a 6-pack washboard stomach. But what many people don’t realise is that everyone has abs somewhere, it’s just some are hidden by a layer of fat around the stomach.

You might have heard the saying ‘abs are made in the kitchen’ this has an element of truth. Of your results, 80% will come from your diet and 20% will come from your training. It is important to eat a balanced diet, made up of protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates and plenty of fibre and raw vegetables.

If you would like to make your abdominals more visible it is important to focus your training in three main areas:

• Rectus Abdominis (6-pack muscles)
• Transverse Abdominis (muscles that pull in the stomach, to keep it flat)
• Obliques (the V-shaped muscles around your waistline)

The following Musashi 6-Pack Tips have been created to help your abs shine through.

1. The Right Foods
Quite often calories become an obsession for people trying to achieve a highlighted 6-pack. Try not to over think calories and focus on cutting body fat by reducing high sugary foods and feed your muscles with quality protein. Saturated fats i.e. chocolate, cheese, doughnuts & biscuits hold you back from revealing defined abs. These type of fats should be reduced and good fats such as: olive oil, avocados, nuts and oily fish should be included as a regular feature of your diet. Fruit and vegetables high in fibre (i.e. broccoli, split peas, apples and bananas) are also great because they work as a bulking agent helping to leave you feeling fuller for longer.

2. Quality Protein with Every Meal
The body requires between 1.4g-2g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight per day, for example: 75kg male will require between 105g-150g per day. Protein feeds the muscles and helps to rebuild the natural damage caused by exercise. Quality protein with every meal i.e. chicken, tuna, eggs, beans or whey protein powder helps to increase satiety (feeling of fullness) and reduce the chances of snacking on high sugar or processed carbohydrates later in the day.

3. Never Skip a Post-Training Protein Shake
The post-training window of opportunity starts from the moment you finish exercise and lasts approximately 45-minutes. Make sure you replenish the muscles with protein as part of your recovery regime. Musashi 100% Whey provides a fast digesting protein which is low in fat and low in carbs.

4. Burn the Excess Fat
Thermogenesis is the process of generating energy and heat into cells of the body by burning calories in the process. Thermogenic ingredients such as garcinia cambogia, nicotinic acid and caffeine are often added to weight loss supplements. Musashi Shred and Burn is excellent in assisting your metabolism and burning fat. Including this thermogenic protein powder twice a day can help you to increase fat burning results.

5. Combine Resistance Training and Cardio Exercise
Aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise helps to increase your energy expenditure and calorie burning. Resistance training helps to maintain or increase your muscle mass and calorie burning potential. Aim for three resistance training sessions a week, sticking to heavy compound lifts such as the dead lift, squat, bench press and shoulder press. Gradually introduce between two and four 30-minute cardio workouts a week, such as jogging or cycling.

6. Include Isometric Exercise
Isometric exercises refer to exercises that recruit muscles and create tension without actually shortening and lengthening a muscle e.g. the movement of a biceps curl. Isometric abs exercise’s e.g. the plank, leg raise and glute hold, help to strengthen the transverse abdominis – the deepest layer of abdominal muscles.

By adopting all of the ‘Musashi 6-Pack Tips’ you will greatly improve your gym session and your chances of having abs that you can be proud of.

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